Addicted to Scrubs
Chuck Norris
Friends for Sale
What Type of Music are You?
All about me
Super Mario Worlds
Texas Hold 'em Poker
I can start by categorising these applications, mostly to make it easier and faster to describe them.
The Obsessive:
Addicted to Scrubs
Friends for Sale
Texas Hold 'em
Super Mario Worlds
These are the applications I have found to turn the user into a hyper-obsessive, foaming-at-the-mouth, twitchy mess. Anyone who's played Texas Hold 'em for longer than 5 minutes will understand. I myself use a version on the Xbox 360, and frequently spend hours playing, so I don't actually use the Facebook one much, but it's still damn addictive. Addictive to Scrubs is addictive, in my eyes, because of the trivia section. Now that sounds dull, but it actually gives me the upper hand on another community website I use, which has a Scrubs trivia thread in the forums. It also gives you points and a classification, which for some reason, I quite like. Super Mario Worlds is a rather excellent interpretation of the SNES game, Super Mario World. Now, I am aware there are plenty of other flash versions of 15 year old SNES games available, and plenty of emulators for all you pirates out there (because piracy is bad, kids), but being able to play Mario on Facebook quite a novelty. This one falls into obsessive, because it has that classic Mario element: frustratingly and embarrassingly difficult, being able to fall to your doom all too easily. And finally, Friends for Sale. I like this for one reason, it has people bidding over me, making me more and more valuable. Boo-yeah.
Stuff to see if you're anything like your friends anymore:
Well, what can I say, it's the only decent "comparing personalities" application I can find, seeing as how Movies only has one quiz and it keeps suggesting I should consider divorcing all my friends. Oh yeah, loads of my friends use it too, so it's one of my few applications that can work properly.
Things to Show Your Friends:
Chuck Norris
What Type of Music are You
All about me
I like these ones becasue they're random assortments of things to show to your friends and a subtle way of shoving your believes up their ar- I mean, down their throats. Basically, I try using these as a subtle hint as to what people should get me for my birthday. Unfortunately, no one was listening this year.
The Downright Geeky:
This is what happens when I start getting too close to my Xbox 360 for my own good. In the same way I like showing off my gaming accomplishments with my Gamercard and Gamerscore to, well, no one actually cares that much. But basically, it's a way of me showing what games I own and what games I'm waiting for. That's about all I use it for.
Now, I have to pit two of these applications against each other in a battle to the death. The winner, will be hailed as a decent Facebook Application. The loser, will probably not be mentioned all to much in the future with few consequences come to think of it.
Chuck Norris vs. Friends for Sale
I believe that I should better explain these applications. The Chuck Norris application is a button you can put on your Facebook profile, each time it's clicked, a new Chuck Norris fact is displayed. My current favourite is the NASA one:
"Chuck Norris once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Chuck Norris re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publicly claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer."
Friends For Sale gives everyone on Facebook a starting price of $500, and around $1000 virtual cash. You can then buy your friends as pets, and they can be bought back off you by other people, each time increasing their value, and they get a cut of the profits from the sale to increase their virtual cash. It's the most effective way to promote capitalism and vanity simultaneously.
And now, the judgement! My chosen favourite Facebook Application is...
...Friends for Sale!
That's right, this is just about the only application I pay attention to notifications for. I like knowing who wants me as a pet and I like keeping track of who keeps buying my bloody pets off me, then giving them nicknames like "My Biatch Now!". Lovely.
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